Symbolic regression and classification library

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High-Performance python symbolic regression library based on parallel local search

  • Zero hyperparameter tunning.
  • Accurate results in seconds or minutes, in contrast to slow GP-based methods.
  • Small models size.
  • Support for regression, classification and fuzzy math.
  • Support 32 and 64 bit floating point arithmetic.
  • Work with unprotected version of math operators (log, sqrt, division)
  • Speedup search by using feature importances computed from bbox model
Supported instructions
math add, sub, mul, div, pdiv, inv, minv, sq2, pow, exp, log, sqrt, cbrt, aq
goniometric sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh
other nop, max, min, abs, floor, ceil, lt, gt, lte, gte
fuzzy f_and, f_or, f_xor, f_impl, f_not, f_nand, f_nor, f_nxor, f_nimpl


C++20 source code available in separate repo sr_core


  • AVX2 instructions set(all modern CPU support this)
  • numpy
  • sklearn


pip install HROCH


Symbolic_Regression_Demo.ipynb Colab


from HROCH import SymbolicRegressor

reg = SymbolicRegressor(num_threads=8, time_limit=60.0, problem='math', precision='f64'), y_train)
yp = reg.predict(X_test)



  • Sklearn compatibility
  • Classificators:
    • NonlinearLogisticRegressor for a binary classification
    • SymbolicClassifier for multiclass classification
    • FuzzyRegressor for a special binary classification
  • Xi corelation used for filter unrelated features

Older versions


  • Public c++ sources
  • Commanline interface changed to cpython
  • Support for classification score logloss and accuracy
  • Support for final transformations:
    • ordinal regression
    • logistic function
    • clipping
  • Acess to equations from all paralel hillclimbers
  • User defined constants


  • Features probability as input parameter
  • Custom instructions set
  • Parallel hilclimbing parameters


  • Improved late acceptance hillclimbing


  • First release


full results


 2.. include:: ../
 4from .hroch import RegressorMathModel, ClassifierMathModel, Xicor
 5from .regressor import SymbolicRegressor
 6from .fuzzy import FuzzyRegressor, FuzzyClassifier
 7from .classifier import NonlinearLogisticRegressor, SymbolicClassifier
 8from .version import __version__
10__all__ = ['SymbolicRegressor','NonlinearLogisticRegressor','SymbolicClassifier','FuzzyRegressor', 'FuzzyClassifier','RegressorMathModel','ClassifierMathModel', 'Xicor', '__version__']
class SymbolicRegressor(HROCH.hroch.SymbolicSolver, sklearn.base.RegressorMixin):
  8class SymbolicRegressor(SymbolicSolver, RegressorMixin):
  9    """
 10    SymbolicRegressor class
 12    Parameters
 13    ----------
 14    num_threads : int, default=1
 15        Number of used threads.
 17    time_limit : float, default=5.0
 18        Timeout in seconds. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until iter_limit is met.
 20    iter_limit : int, default=0
 21        Iterations limit. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until time_limit is met.
 23    precision : str, default='f32'
 24        'f64' or 'f32'. Internal floating number representation.
 26    problem : str or dict, default='math'
 27        Predefined instructions sets 'math' or 'simple' or 'fuzzy' or custom defines set of instructions with mutation probability.
 28        ```python
 29        problem={'add':10.0, 'mul':10.0, 'gt':1.0, 'lt':1.0, 'nop':1.0}
 30        ```
 32        |**supported instructions**||
 33        |-|-|
 34        |**math**|add, sub, mul, div, pdiv, inv, minv, sq2, pow, exp, log, sqrt, cbrt, aq|
 35        |**goniometric**|sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh|
 36        |**other**|nop, max, min, abs, floor, ceil, lt, gt, lte, gte|
 37        |**fuzzy**|f_and, f_or, f_xor, f_impl, f_not, f_nand, f_nor, f_nxor, f_nimpl|
 39        *nop - no operation*
 41        *pdiv - protected division*
 43        *inv - inverse* $(-x)$
 45        *minv - multiplicative inverse* $(1/x)$
 47        *lt, gt, lte, gte -* $<, >, <=, >=$
 49    feature_probs : str or array of shape (n_features,), default='xicor'
 50        The probability that a mutation will select a feature.
 51        If None then the features are selected with equal probability.
 52        If 'xicor' then the probabilities are deriveded from xicor corelation coefficient
 54    random_state : int, default=0
 55        Random generator seed. If 0 then random generator will be initialized by system time.
 57    verbose : int, default=0
 58        Controls the verbosity when fitting and predicting.
 60    metric : str, default='MSE'
 61            Metric used for evaluating error. Choose from {'MSE', 'MAE', 'MSLE', 'LogLoss'}
 63    transformation : str, default=None
 64        Final transformation for computed value. Choose from { None, 'LOGISTIC', 'ORDINAL'}
 66    algo_settings : dict, default = None
 67        If not defined SymbolicSolver.ALGO_SETTINGS is used.
 68        ```python
 69        algo_settings = {'neighbours_count':15, 'alpha':0.15, 'beta':0.5, 'pretest_size':1, 'sample_size':16}
 70        ```
 71        - 'neighbours_count' : (int) Number tested neighbours in each iteration
 72        - 'alpha' : (float) Score worsening limit for a iteration
 73        - 'beta' : (float) Tree breadth-wise expanding factor in a range from 0 to 1
 74        - 'pretest_size' : (int) Batch count(batch is 64 rows sample) for fast fitness preevaluating
 75        - 'sample_size : (int) Number of batches of sample used to calculate the score during training
 77    code_settings : dict, default = None
 78        If not defined SymbolicSolver.CODE_SETTINGS is used.
 79        ```python
 80        code_settings = {'min_size': 32, 'max_size':32, 'const_size':8}
 81        ```
 82        - 'const_size' : (int) Maximum alloved constants in symbolic model, accept also 0.
 83        - 'min_size': (int) Minimum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
 84        - 'max_size' : (int) Maximum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
 86    population_settings : dict, default = None
 87        If not defined SymbolicSolver.POPULATION_SETTINGS is used.
 88        ```python
 89        population_settings = {'size': 64, 'tournament':4}
 90        ```
 91        - 'size' : (int) Number of individuals in the population.
 92        - 'tournament' : (int) Tournament selection.
 94    init_const_settings : dict, default = None
 95        If not defined SymbolicSolver.INIT_CONST_SETTINGS is used.
 96        ```python
 97        init_const_settings = {'const_min':-1.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
 98        ```
 99        - 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for initializing constants.
100        - 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for initializing constants.
101        - 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during initialization.
102        - 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during initialization.
104    const_settings : dict, default = None
105        If not defined SymbolicSolver.CONST_SETTINGS is used.
106        ```python
107        const_settings = {'const_min':-LARGE_FLOAT, 'const_max':LARGE_FLOAT, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
108        ```
109        - 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for constants used in equations.
110        - 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for constants used in equations.
111        - 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during search process(mutation).
112        - 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during search process(mutation).
114    target_clip : array of two float values clip_min and clip_max, default None
115        ```python
116        target_clip=[-1, 1]
117        ```
119    cv_params : dict, default = None
120        If not defined SymbolicSolver.REGRESSION_CV_PARAMS is used
121        ```python
122        cv_params = {'n':0, 'cv_params':{}, 'select':'mean', 'opt_params':{'method': 'Nelder-Mead'}, 'opt_metric':make_scorer(mean_squared_error, greater_is_better=False)}
123        ```
124        - 'n' : (int) Crossvalidate n top models
125        - 'cv_params' : (dict) Parameters passed to scikit-learn cross_validate method
126        - select : (str) Best model selection method choose from 'mean'or 'median'
127        - opt_params : (dict) Parameters passed to scipy.optimize.minimize method
128        - opt_metric : (make_scorer) Scoring method
130    warm_start : bool, default=False
131        If True, then the solver will be reused for the next call of fit.
132    """
134    def __init__(self,
135                 num_threads: int = 1,
136                 time_limit: float = 5.0,
137                 iter_limit: int = 0,
138                 precision: str = 'f32',
139                 problem = 'math',
140                 feature_probs = 'xicor',
141                 random_state: int = 0,
142                 verbose: int = 0,
143                 metric: str = 'MSE',
144                 transformation: str = None,
145                 algo_settings = None,
146                 code_settings = None,
147                 population_settings = None,
148                 init_const_settings = None,
149                 const_settings = None,
150                 target_clip: Iterable = None,
151                 cv_params = None,
152                 warm_start : bool = False
153                 ):
154        super(SymbolicRegressor, self).__init__(
155            num_threads=num_threads,
156            time_limit=time_limit,
157            iter_limit=iter_limit,
158            precision=precision,
159            problem=problem,
160            feature_probs=feature_probs,
161            random_state=random_state,
162            verbose=verbose,
163            metric=metric,
164            transformation=transformation,
165            algo_settings=algo_settings,
166            code_settings=code_settings,
167            population_settings=population_settings,
168            init_const_settings=init_const_settings,
169            const_settings=const_settings,
170            target_clip=target_clip,
171            class_weight=None,
172            cv_params=cv_params,
173            warm_start=warm_start
174        )
176    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
177        """
178        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
180        Parameters
181        ----------
182        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
183            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
184            `n_features` is the number of features.
186        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
187            Target vector relative to X.
189        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
190            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
191            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
193        check_input : bool, default=True
194            Allow to bypass several input checking.
195            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
197        Returns
198        -------
199        self
200            Fitted estimator.
201        """
203        super(SymbolicRegressor, self).fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, check_input=check_input)
204        return self
206    def predict(self, X, id=None, check_input=True, use_parsed_model=True):
207        """
208        Predict regression target for X.
210        Parameters
211        ----------
212        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
213            The input samples.
215        id : int
216            Model id, default=None. id can be obtained from get_models method. If its None prediction use the best model.
218        check_input : bool, default=True
219            Allow to bypass several input checking.
220            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
222        Returns
223        -------
224        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)
225            The predicted values.
226        """
227        return super(SymbolicRegressor, self).predict(X, id=id, check_input=check_input, use_parsed_model=use_parsed_model)

SymbolicRegressor class

  • num_threads (int, default=1): Number of used threads.
  • time_limit (float, default=5.0): Timeout in seconds. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until iter_limit is met.
  • iter_limit (int, default=0): Iterations limit. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until time_limit is met.
  • precision (str, default='f32'): 'f64' or 'f32'. Internal floating number representation.
  • problem (str or dict, default='math'): Predefined instructions sets 'math' or 'simple' or 'fuzzy' or custom defines set of instructions with mutation probability.

    problem={'add':10.0, 'mul':10.0, 'gt':1.0, 'lt':1.0, 'nop':1.0}
    supported instructions
    math add, sub, mul, div, pdiv, inv, minv, sq2, pow, exp, log, sqrt, cbrt, aq
    goniometric sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh
    other nop, max, min, abs, floor, ceil, lt, gt, lte, gte
    fuzzy f_and, f_or, f_xor, f_impl, f_not, f_nand, f_nor, f_nxor, f_nimpl

    nop - no operation

    pdiv - protected division

    inv - inverse $(-x)$

    minv - multiplicative inverse $(1/x)$

    lt, gt, lte, gte - $<, >, <=, >=$

  • feature_probs (str or array of shape (n_features,), default='xicor'): The probability that a mutation will select a feature. If None then the features are selected with equal probability. If 'xicor' then the probabilities are deriveded from xicor corelation coefficient
  • random_state (int, default=0): Random generator seed. If 0 then random generator will be initialized by system time.
  • verbose (int, default=0): Controls the verbosity when fitting and predicting.
  • metric (str, default='MSE'): Metric used for evaluating error. Choose from {'MSE', 'MAE', 'MSLE', 'LogLoss'}
  • transformation (str, default=None): Final transformation for computed value. Choose from { None, 'LOGISTIC', 'ORDINAL'}
  • algo_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.ALGO_SETTINGS is used.

    algo_settings = {'neighbours_count':15, 'alpha':0.15, 'beta':0.5, 'pretest_size':1, 'sample_size':16}
    • 'neighbours_count' : (int) Number tested neighbours in each iteration
    • 'alpha' : (float) Score worsening limit for a iteration
    • 'beta' : (float) Tree breadth-wise expanding factor in a range from 0 to 1
    • 'pretest_size' : (int) Batch count(batch is 64 rows sample) for fast fitness preevaluating
    • 'sample_size : (int) Number of batches of sample used to calculate the score during training
  • code_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.CODE_SETTINGS is used.

    code_settings = {'min_size': 32, 'max_size':32, 'const_size':8}
    • 'const_size' : (int) Maximum alloved constants in symbolic model, accept also 0.
    • 'min_size': (int) Minimum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
    • 'max_size' : (int) Maximum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
  • population_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.POPULATION_SETTINGS is used.

    population_settings = {'size': 64, 'tournament':4}
    • 'size' : (int) Number of individuals in the population.
    • 'tournament' : (int) Tournament selection.
  • init_const_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.INIT_CONST_SETTINGS is used.

    init_const_settings = {'const_min':-1.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
    • 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for initializing constants.
    • 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for initializing constants.
    • 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during initialization.
    • 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during initialization.
  • const_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.CONST_SETTINGS is used.

    const_settings = {'const_min':-LARGE_FLOAT, 'const_max':LARGE_FLOAT, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
    • 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for constants used in equations.
    • 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for constants used in equations.
    • 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during search process(mutation).
    • 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during search process(mutation).
  • target_clip (array of two float values clip_min and clip_max, default None):

    target_clip=[-1, 1]
  • cv_params (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.REGRESSION_CV_PARAMS is used

    cv_params = {'n':0, 'cv_params':{}, 'select':'mean', 'opt_params':{'method': 'Nelder-Mead'}, 'opt_metric':make_scorer(mean_squared_error, greater_is_better=False)}
    • 'n' : (int) Crossvalidate n top models
    • 'cv_params' : (dict) Parameters passed to scikit-learn cross_validate method
    • select : (str) Best model selection method choose from 'mean'or 'median'
    • opt_params : (dict) Parameters passed to scipy.optimize.minimize method
    • opt_metric : (make_scorer) Scoring method
  • warm_start (bool, default=False): If True, then the solver will be reused for the next call of fit.
SymbolicRegressor( num_threads: int = 1, time_limit: float = 5.0, iter_limit: int = 0, precision: str = 'f32', problem='math', feature_probs='xicor', random_state: int = 0, verbose: int = 0, metric: str = 'MSE', transformation: str = None, algo_settings=None, code_settings=None, population_settings=None, init_const_settings=None, const_settings=None, target_clip: Iterable = None, cv_params=None, warm_start: bool = False)
134    def __init__(self,
135                 num_threads: int = 1,
136                 time_limit: float = 5.0,
137                 iter_limit: int = 0,
138                 precision: str = 'f32',
139                 problem = 'math',
140                 feature_probs = 'xicor',
141                 random_state: int = 0,
142                 verbose: int = 0,
143                 metric: str = 'MSE',
144                 transformation: str = None,
145                 algo_settings = None,
146                 code_settings = None,
147                 population_settings = None,
148                 init_const_settings = None,
149                 const_settings = None,
150                 target_clip: Iterable = None,
151                 cv_params = None,
152                 warm_start : bool = False
153                 ):
154        super(SymbolicRegressor, self).__init__(
155            num_threads=num_threads,
156            time_limit=time_limit,
157            iter_limit=iter_limit,
158            precision=precision,
159            problem=problem,
160            feature_probs=feature_probs,
161            random_state=random_state,
162            verbose=verbose,
163            metric=metric,
164            transformation=transformation,
165            algo_settings=algo_settings,
166            code_settings=code_settings,
167            population_settings=population_settings,
168            init_const_settings=init_const_settings,
169            const_settings=const_settings,
170            target_clip=target_clip,
171            class_weight=None,
172            cv_params=cv_params,
173            warm_start=warm_start
174        )
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
176    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
177        """
178        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
180        Parameters
181        ----------
182        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
183            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
184            `n_features` is the number of features.
186        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
187            Target vector relative to X.
189        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
190            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
191            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
193        check_input : bool, default=True
194            Allow to bypass several input checking.
195            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
197        Returns
198        -------
199        self
200            Fitted estimator.
201        """
203        super(SymbolicRegressor, self).fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, check_input=check_input)
204        return self

Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,)): Target vector relative to X.
  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None): Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples. If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • self: Fitted estimator.
def predict(self, X, id=None, check_input=True, use_parsed_model=True):
206    def predict(self, X, id=None, check_input=True, use_parsed_model=True):
207        """
208        Predict regression target for X.
210        Parameters
211        ----------
212        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
213            The input samples.
215        id : int
216            Model id, default=None. id can be obtained from get_models method. If its None prediction use the best model.
218        check_input : bool, default=True
219            Allow to bypass several input checking.
220            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
222        Returns
223        -------
224        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)
225            The predicted values.
226        """
227        return super(SymbolicRegressor, self).predict(X, id=id, check_input=check_input, use_parsed_model=use_parsed_model)

Predict regression target for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): The input samples.
  • id (int): Model id, default=None. id can be obtained from get_models method. If its None prediction use the best model.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • y (ndarray of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)): The predicted values.
def set_fit_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_predict_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_score_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

Inherited Members
class NonlinearLogisticRegressor(HROCH.hroch.SymbolicSolver, sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin):
 11class NonlinearLogisticRegressor(SymbolicSolver, ClassifierMixin):
 12    """
 13    Nonlinear Logistic Regressor
 15    Parameters
 16    ----------
 17    num_threads : int, default=1
 18        Number of used threads.
 20    time_limit : float, default=5.0
 21        Timeout in seconds. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until iter_limit is met.
 23    iter_limit : int, default=0
 24        Iterations limit. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until time_limit is met.
 26    precision : str, default='f32'
 27        'f64' or 'f32'. Internal floating number representation.
 29    problem : str or dict, default='math'
 30        Predefined instructions sets 'math' or 'simple' or 'fuzzy' or custom defines set of instructions with mutation probability.
 31        ```python
 32        problem={'add':10.0, 'mul':10.0, 'gt':1.0, 'lt':1.0, 'nop':1.0}
 33        ```
 35        |**supported instructions**||
 36        |-|-|
 37        |**math**|add, sub, mul, div, pdiv, inv, minv, sq2, pow, exp, log, sqrt, cbrt, aq|
 38        |**goniometric**|sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh|
 39        |**other**|nop, max, min, abs, floor, ceil, lt, gt, lte, gte|
 40        |**fuzzy**|f_and, f_or, f_xor, f_impl, f_not, f_nand, f_nor, f_nxor, f_nimpl|
 42        *nop - no operation*
 44        *pdiv - protected division*
 46        *inv - inverse* $(-x)$
 48        *minv - multiplicative inverse* $(1/x)$
 50        *lt, gt, lte, gte -* $<, >, <=, >=$
 52    feature_probs : str or array of shape (n_features,), default='xicor'
 53        The probability that a mutation will select a feature.
 54        If None then the features are selected with equal probability.
 55        If 'xicor' then the probabilities are deriveded from xicor corelation coefficient
 57    random_state : int, default=0
 58        Random generator seed. If 0 then random generator will be initialized by system time.
 60    verbose : int, default=0
 61        Controls the verbosity when fitting and predicting.
 63    metric : str, default='LogLoss'
 64        Metric used for evaluating error. Choose from {'MSE', 'MAE', 'MSLE', 'LogLoss'}
 66    transformation : str, default='LOGISTIC'
 67        Final transformation for computed value. Choose from { None, 'LOGISTIC', 'ORDINAL'}
 69    algo_settings : dict, default = None
 70        If not defined SymbolicSolver.ALGO_SETTINGS is used.
 71        ```python
 72        algo_settings = {'neighbours_count':15, 'alpha':0.15, 'beta':0.5, 'pretest_size':1, 'sample_size':16}
 73        ```
 74        - 'neighbours_count' : (int) Number tested neighbours in each iteration
 75        - 'alpha' : (float) Score worsening limit for a iteration
 76        - 'beta' : (float) Tree breadth-wise expanding factor in a range from 0 to 1
 77        - 'pretest_size' : (int) Batch count(batch is 64 rows sample) for fast fitness preevaluating
 78        - 'sample_size : (int) Number of batches of sample used to calculate the score during training
 80    code_settings : dict, default = None
 81        If not defined SymbolicSolver.CODE_SETTINGS is used.
 82        ```python
 83        code_settings = {'min_size': 32, 'max_size':32, 'const_size':8}
 84        ```
 85        - 'const_size' : (int) Maximum alloved constants in symbolic model, accept also 0.
 86        - 'min_size': (int) Minimum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
 87        - 'max_size' : (int) Maximum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
 89    population_settings : dict, default = None
 90        If not defined SymbolicSolver.POPULATION_SETTINGS is used.
 91        ```python
 92        population_settings = {'size': 64, 'tournament':4}
 93        ```
 94        - 'size' : (int) Number of individuals in the population.
 95        - 'tournament' : (int) Tournament selection.
 97    init_const_settings : dict, default = None
 98        If not defined SymbolicSolver.INIT_CONST_SETTINGS is used.
 99        ```python
100        init_const_settings = {'const_min':-1.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
101        ```
102        - 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for initializing constants.
103        - 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for initializing constants.
104        - 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during initialization.
105        - 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during initialization.
107    const_settings : dict, default = None
108        If not defined SymbolicSolver.CONST_SETTINGS is used.
109        ```python
110        const_settings = {'const_min':-LARGE_FLOAT, 'const_max':LARGE_FLOAT, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
111        ```
112        - 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for constants used in equations.
113        - 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for constants used in equations.
114        - 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during search process(mutation).
115        - 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during search process(mutation).
117    target_clip : array, default = None
118        Array of two float values clip_min and clip_max.
119        If not defined SymbolicSolver.CLASSIFICATION_TARGET_CLIP is used.
120        ```python
121        target_clip=[3e-7, 1.0-3e-7]
122        ```
123    class_weight : dict or 'balanced', default=None
124        Weights associated with classes in the form ``{class_label: weight}``.
125        If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one.
127        The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust
128        weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data
129        as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))``.
131        Note that these weights will be multiplied with sample_weight (passed
132        through the fit method) if sample_weight is specified.
134    cv_params : dict, default = None
135        If not defined SymbolicSolver.CLASSIFICATION_CV_PARAMS is used.
136        ```python
137        cv_params = {'n':0, 'cv_params':{}, 'select':'mean', 'opt_params':{'method': 'Nelder-Mead'}, 'opt_metric':make_scorer(log_loss, greater_is_better=False, needs_proba=True)}
138        ```
139        - 'n' : (int) Crossvalidate n top models
140        - 'cv_params' : (dict) Parameters passed to scikit-learn cross_validate method
141        - select : (str) Best model selection method choose from 'mean'or 'median'
142        - opt_params : (dict) Parameters passed to scipy.optimize.minimize method
143        - opt_metric : (make_scorer) Scoring method
145    warm_start : bool, default=False
146        If True, then the solver will be reused for the next call of fit.
147    """
149    def __init__(self,
150                 num_threads: int = 1,
151                 time_limit: float = 5.0,
152                 iter_limit: int = 0,
153                 precision: str = 'f32',
154                 problem = 'math',
155                 feature_probs = 'xicor',
156                 random_state: int = 0,
157                 verbose: int = 0,
158                 metric: str = 'LogLoss',
159                 transformation: str = 'LOGISTIC',
160                 algo_settings = None,
161                 code_settings = None,
162                 population_settings = None,
163                 init_const_settings = None,
164                 const_settings = None,
165                 target_clip = None,
166                 class_weight = None,
167                 cv_params = None,
168                 warm_start : bool = False
169                 ):
171        super(NonlinearLogisticRegressor, self).__init__(
172            num_threads=num_threads,
173            time_limit=time_limit,
174            iter_limit=iter_limit,
175            precision=precision,
176            problem=problem,
177            feature_probs=feature_probs,
178            random_state=random_state,
179            verbose=verbose,
180            metric=metric,
181            transformation=transformation,
182            algo_settings=algo_settings,
183            code_settings=code_settings,
184            population_settings=population_settings,
185            init_const_settings=init_const_settings,
186            const_settings=const_settings,
187            target_clip=target_clip,
188            class_weight=class_weight,
189            cv_params=cv_params,
190            warm_start=warm_start
191        )
193    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
194        """
195        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
197        Parameters
198        ----------
199        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
200            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
201            `n_features` is the number of features.
203        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
204            Target vector relative to X. Needs samples of 2 classes.
206        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
207            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
208            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
210        check_input : bool, default=True
211            Allow to bypass several input checking.
212            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
214        Returns
215        -------
216        self
217            Fitted estimator.
218        """
220        if check_input:
221            X, y = self._validate_data(X, y, accept_sparse=False, y_numeric=False, multi_output=False)
222        check_classification_targets(y)
223        enc = LabelEncoder()
224        y_ind = enc.fit_transform(y)
225        self.classes_ = enc.classes_
226        self.n_classes_ = len(self.classes_)
227        if self.n_classes_ != 2:
228            raise ValueError(
229                "This solver needs samples of 2 classes"
230                " in the data, but the data contains"
231                " %r classes"
232                % self.n_classes_
233            )
235        self.class_weight_ = compute_class_weight(self.class_weight, classes=self.classes_, y=y)
237        super(NonlinearLogisticRegressor, self).fit(X, y_ind, sample_weight=sample_weight, check_input=False)
238        return self
240    def predict(self, X, id=None, check_input=True, use_parsed_model=True):
241        """
242        Predict class for X.
244        Parameters
245        ----------
246        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
247            The input samples.
249        id : int
250            Model id, default=None. id can be obtained from get_models method. If its None prediction use the best model.
252        check_input : bool, default=True
253            Allow to bypass several input checking.
254            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
256        Returns
257        -------
258        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
259            The predicted classes.
260        """
261        preds = super(NonlinearLogisticRegressor, self).predict(X, id, check_input=check_input, use_parsed_model=use_parsed_model)
262        return self.classes_[(preds > 0.5).astype(int)]
264    def predict_proba(self, X, id=None, check_input=True):
265        """
266        Predict class probabilities for X.
268        Parameters
269        ----------
270        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
272        check_input : bool, default=True
273            Allow to bypass several input checking.
274            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
276        Returns
277        -------
278        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
279            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
280            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
281        """
282        preds = super(NonlinearLogisticRegressor, self).predict(X, id, check_input=check_input)
283        proba = numpy.vstack([1 - preds, preds]).T
284        return proba
286    def _more_tags(self):
287        return {'binary_only': True}

Nonlinear Logistic Regressor

  • num_threads (int, default=1): Number of used threads.
  • time_limit (float, default=5.0): Timeout in seconds. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until iter_limit is met.
  • iter_limit (int, default=0): Iterations limit. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until time_limit is met.
  • precision (str, default='f32'): 'f64' or 'f32'. Internal floating number representation.
  • problem (str or dict, default='math'): Predefined instructions sets 'math' or 'simple' or 'fuzzy' or custom defines set of instructions with mutation probability.

    problem={'add':10.0, 'mul':10.0, 'gt':1.0, 'lt':1.0, 'nop':1.0}
    supported instructions
    math add, sub, mul, div, pdiv, inv, minv, sq2, pow, exp, log, sqrt, cbrt, aq
    goniometric sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh
    other nop, max, min, abs, floor, ceil, lt, gt, lte, gte
    fuzzy f_and, f_or, f_xor, f_impl, f_not, f_nand, f_nor, f_nxor, f_nimpl

    nop - no operation

    pdiv - protected division

    inv - inverse $(-x)$

    minv - multiplicative inverse $(1/x)$

    lt, gt, lte, gte - $<, >, <=, >=$

  • feature_probs (str or array of shape (n_features,), default='xicor'): The probability that a mutation will select a feature. If None then the features are selected with equal probability. If 'xicor' then the probabilities are deriveded from xicor corelation coefficient
  • random_state (int, default=0): Random generator seed. If 0 then random generator will be initialized by system time.
  • verbose (int, default=0): Controls the verbosity when fitting and predicting.
  • metric (str, default='LogLoss'): Metric used for evaluating error. Choose from {'MSE', 'MAE', 'MSLE', 'LogLoss'}
  • transformation (str, default='LOGISTIC'): Final transformation for computed value. Choose from { None, 'LOGISTIC', 'ORDINAL'}
  • algo_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.ALGO_SETTINGS is used.

    algo_settings = {'neighbours_count':15, 'alpha':0.15, 'beta':0.5, 'pretest_size':1, 'sample_size':16}
    • 'neighbours_count' : (int) Number tested neighbours in each iteration
    • 'alpha' : (float) Score worsening limit for a iteration
    • 'beta' : (float) Tree breadth-wise expanding factor in a range from 0 to 1
    • 'pretest_size' : (int) Batch count(batch is 64 rows sample) for fast fitness preevaluating
    • 'sample_size : (int) Number of batches of sample used to calculate the score during training
  • code_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.CODE_SETTINGS is used.

    code_settings = {'min_size': 32, 'max_size':32, 'const_size':8}
    • 'const_size' : (int) Maximum alloved constants in symbolic model, accept also 0.
    • 'min_size': (int) Minimum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
    • 'max_size' : (int) Maximum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
  • population_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.POPULATION_SETTINGS is used.

    population_settings = {'size': 64, 'tournament':4}
    • 'size' : (int) Number of individuals in the population.
    • 'tournament' : (int) Tournament selection.
  • init_const_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.INIT_CONST_SETTINGS is used.

    init_const_settings = {'const_min':-1.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
    • 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for initializing constants.
    • 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for initializing constants.
    • 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during initialization.
    • 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during initialization.
  • const_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.CONST_SETTINGS is used.

    const_settings = {'const_min':-LARGE_FLOAT, 'const_max':LARGE_FLOAT, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
    • 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for constants used in equations.
    • 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for constants used in equations.
    • 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during search process(mutation).
    • 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during search process(mutation).
  • target_clip (array, default = None): Array of two float values clip_min and clip_max. If not defined SymbolicSolver.CLASSIFICATION_TARGET_CLIP is used.

    target_clip=[3e-7, 1.0-3e-7]
  • class_weight (dict or 'balanced', default=None): Weights associated with classes in the form {class_label: weight}. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one.

    The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y)).

    Note that these weights will be multiplied with sample_weight (passed through the fit method) if sample_weight is specified.

  • cv_params (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.CLASSIFICATION_CV_PARAMS is used.

    cv_params = {'n':0, 'cv_params':{}, 'select':'mean', 'opt_params':{'method': 'Nelder-Mead'}, 'opt_metric':make_scorer(log_loss, greater_is_better=False, needs_proba=True)}
    • 'n' : (int) Crossvalidate n top models
    • 'cv_params' : (dict) Parameters passed to scikit-learn cross_validate method
    • select : (str) Best model selection method choose from 'mean'or 'median'
    • opt_params : (dict) Parameters passed to scipy.optimize.minimize method
    • opt_metric : (make_scorer) Scoring method
  • warm_start (bool, default=False): If True, then the solver will be reused for the next call of fit.
NonlinearLogisticRegressor( num_threads: int = 1, time_limit: float = 5.0, iter_limit: int = 0, precision: str = 'f32', problem='math', feature_probs='xicor', random_state: int = 0, verbose: int = 0, metric: str = 'LogLoss', transformation: str = 'LOGISTIC', algo_settings=None, code_settings=None, population_settings=None, init_const_settings=None, const_settings=None, target_clip=None, class_weight=None, cv_params=None, warm_start: bool = False)
149    def __init__(self,
150                 num_threads: int = 1,
151                 time_limit: float = 5.0,
152                 iter_limit: int = 0,
153                 precision: str = 'f32',
154                 problem = 'math',
155                 feature_probs = 'xicor',
156                 random_state: int = 0,
157                 verbose: int = 0,
158                 metric: str = 'LogLoss',
159                 transformation: str = 'LOGISTIC',
160                 algo_settings = None,
161                 code_settings = None,
162                 population_settings = None,
163                 init_const_settings = None,
164                 const_settings = None,
165                 target_clip = None,
166                 class_weight = None,
167                 cv_params = None,
168                 warm_start : bool = False
169                 ):
171        super(NonlinearLogisticRegressor, self).__init__(
172            num_threads=num_threads,
173            time_limit=time_limit,
174            iter_limit=iter_limit,
175            precision=precision,
176            problem=problem,
177            feature_probs=feature_probs,
178            random_state=random_state,
179            verbose=verbose,
180            metric=metric,
181            transformation=transformation,
182            algo_settings=algo_settings,
183            code_settings=code_settings,
184            population_settings=population_settings,
185            init_const_settings=init_const_settings,
186            const_settings=const_settings,
187            target_clip=target_clip,
188            class_weight=class_weight,
189            cv_params=cv_params,
190            warm_start=warm_start
191        )
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
193    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
194        """
195        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
197        Parameters
198        ----------
199        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
200            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
201            `n_features` is the number of features.
203        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
204            Target vector relative to X. Needs samples of 2 classes.
206        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
207            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
208            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
210        check_input : bool, default=True
211            Allow to bypass several input checking.
212            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
214        Returns
215        -------
216        self
217            Fitted estimator.
218        """
220        if check_input:
221            X, y = self._validate_data(X, y, accept_sparse=False, y_numeric=False, multi_output=False)
222        check_classification_targets(y)
223        enc = LabelEncoder()
224        y_ind = enc.fit_transform(y)
225        self.classes_ = enc.classes_
226        self.n_classes_ = len(self.classes_)
227        if self.n_classes_ != 2:
228            raise ValueError(
229                "This solver needs samples of 2 classes"
230                " in the data, but the data contains"
231                " %r classes"
232                % self.n_classes_
233            )
235        self.class_weight_ = compute_class_weight(self.class_weight, classes=self.classes_, y=y)
237        super(NonlinearLogisticRegressor, self).fit(X, y_ind, sample_weight=sample_weight, check_input=False)
238        return self

Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,)): Target vector relative to X. Needs samples of 2 classes.
  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None): Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples. If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • self: Fitted estimator.
def predict(self, X, id=None, check_input=True, use_parsed_model=True):
240    def predict(self, X, id=None, check_input=True, use_parsed_model=True):
241        """
242        Predict class for X.
244        Parameters
245        ----------
246        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
247            The input samples.
249        id : int
250            Model id, default=None. id can be obtained from get_models method. If its None prediction use the best model.
252        check_input : bool, default=True
253            Allow to bypass several input checking.
254            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
256        Returns
257        -------
258        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
259            The predicted classes.
260        """
261        preds = super(NonlinearLogisticRegressor, self).predict(X, id, check_input=check_input, use_parsed_model=use_parsed_model)
262        return self.classes_[(preds > 0.5).astype(int)]

Predict class for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): The input samples.
  • id (int): Model id, default=None. id can be obtained from get_models method. If its None prediction use the best model.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • y (ndarray of shape (n_samples,)): The predicted classes.
def predict_proba(self, X, id=None, check_input=True):
264    def predict_proba(self, X, id=None, check_input=True):
265        """
266        Predict class probabilities for X.
268        Parameters
269        ----------
270        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
272        check_input : bool, default=True
273            Allow to bypass several input checking.
274            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
276        Returns
277        -------
278        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
279            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
280            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
281        """
282        preds = super(NonlinearLogisticRegressor, self).predict(X, id, check_input=check_input)
283        proba = numpy.vstack([1 - preds, preds]).T
284        return proba

Predict class probabilities for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)):

  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.

  • T (ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)): The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:classes_.
def set_fit_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_predict_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_predict_proba_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_score_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

Inherited Members
class SymbolicClassifier(sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier):
289class SymbolicClassifier(OneVsRestClassifier):
290    """
291    OVR multiclass symbolic classificator
293    Parameters
294    ----------
295    estimator : NonlinearLogisticRegressor
296        Instance of NonlinearLogisticRegressor class.
297    """
298    def __init__(self, estimator=NonlinearLogisticRegressor()):
299        super().__init__(estimator=estimator)
301    def fit(self, X, y):
302        """
303        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
305        Parameters
306        ----------
307        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
308            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
309            `n_features` is the number of features. Should be in the range [0, 1].
311        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
312            Target vector relative to X.
314        Returns
315        -------
316        self
317            Fitted estimator.
318        """
320        super().fit(X, y)
321        return self
323    def predict(self, X):
324        """
325        Predict class for X.
327        Parameters
328        ----------
329        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
330            The input samples.
332        Returns
333        -------
334        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
335            The predicted classes.
336        """
337        return super().predict(X)
339    def predict_proba(self, X):
340        """
341        Predict class probabilities for X.
343        Parameters
344        ----------
345        X : narray-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
347        Returns
348        -------
349        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
350            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
351            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
352        """
353        return super().predict_proba(X)

OVR multiclass symbolic classificator

  • estimator (NonlinearLogisticRegressor): Instance of NonlinearLogisticRegressor class.
298    def __init__(self, estimator=NonlinearLogisticRegressor()):
299        super().__init__(estimator=estimator)
def fit(self, X, y):
301    def fit(self, X, y):
302        """
303        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
305        Parameters
306        ----------
307        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
308            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
309            `n_features` is the number of features. Should be in the range [0, 1].
311        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
312            Target vector relative to X.
314        Returns
315        -------
316        self
317            Fitted estimator.
318        """
320        super().fit(X, y)
321        return self

Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. Should be in the range [0, 1].
  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,)): Target vector relative to X.
  • self: Fitted estimator.
def predict(self, X):
323    def predict(self, X):
324        """
325        Predict class for X.
327        Parameters
328        ----------
329        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
330            The input samples.
332        Returns
333        -------
334        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
335            The predicted classes.
336        """
337        return super().predict(X)

Predict class for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): The input samples.
  • y (ndarray of shape (n_samples,)): The predicted classes.
def predict_proba(self, X):
339    def predict_proba(self, X):
340        """
341        Predict class probabilities for X.
343        Parameters
344        ----------
345        X : narray-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
347        Returns
348        -------
349        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
350            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
351            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
352        """
353        return super().predict_proba(X)

Predict class probabilities for X.

  • X (narray-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)):
  • T (ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)): The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:classes_.
def set_partial_fit_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_score_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

Inherited Members
class FuzzyRegressor(HROCH.hroch.SymbolicSolver, sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin):
 10class FuzzyRegressor(SymbolicSolver, ClassifierMixin):
 11    """
 12    Fuzzy Regressor
 14    Parameters
 15    ----------
 16    num_threads : int, default=1
 17        Number of used threads.
 19    time_limit : float, default=5.0
 20        Timeout in seconds. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until iter_limit is met.
 22    iter_limit : int, default=0
 23        Iterations limit. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until time_limit is met.
 25    precision : str, default='f32'
 26        'f64' or 'f32'. Internal floating number representation.
 28    problem : str or dict, default='fuzzy'
 29        Predefined instructions sets 'fuzzy' or custom defines set of instructions with mutation probability.
 30        ```python
 31        problem={'f_and':10.0, 'f_or':10.0, 'f_xor':1.0, 'f_not':1.0, 'nop':1.0}
 32        ```
 34        |**supported instructions**||
 35        |-|-|
 36        |**other**|nop|
 37        |**fuzzy**|f_and, f_or, f_xor, f_impl, f_not, f_nand, f_nor, f_nxor, f_nimpl|
 39    feature_probs : str or array of shape (n_features,), default='xicor'
 40        The probability that a mutation will select a feature.
 41        If None then the features are selected with equal probability.
 42        If 'xicor' then the probabilities are deriveded from xicor corelation coefficient
 44    random_state : int, default=0
 45        Random generator seed. If 0 then random generator will be initialized by system time.
 47    verbose : int, default=0
 48        Controls the verbosity when fitting and predicting.
 50    metric : str, default='LogLoss'
 51        Metric used for evaluating error. Choose from {'MSE', 'MAE', 'MSLE', 'LogLoss'}
 53    transformation : str, default=None
 54        Final transformation for computed value. Choose from { None, 'LOGISTIC', 'ORDINAL'}
 56    algo_settings : dict, default = None
 57        If not defined SymbolicSolver.ALGO_SETTINGS is used.
 58        ```python
 59        algo_settings = {'neighbours_count':15, 'alpha':0.15, 'beta':0.5, 'pretest_size':1, 'sample_size':16}
 60        ```
 61        - 'neighbours_count' : (int) Number tested neighbours in each iteration
 62        - 'alpha' : (float) Score worsening limit for a iteration
 63        - 'beta' : (float) Tree breadth-wise expanding factor in a range from 0 to 1
 64        - 'pretest_size' : (int) Batch count(batch is 64 rows sample) for fast fitness preevaluating
 65        - 'sample_size : (int) Number of batches of sample used to calculate the score during training
 67    code_settings : dict, default = None
 68        If not defined SymbolicSolver.CODE_SETTINGS is used.
 69        ```python
 70        code_settings = {'min_size': 32, 'max_size':32, 'const_size':8}
 71        ```
 72        - 'const_size' : (int) Maximum alloved constants in symbolic model, accept also 0.
 73        - 'min_size': (int) Minimum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
 74        - 'max_size' : (int) Maximum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
 76    population_settings : dict, default = None
 77        If not defined SymbolicSolver.POPULATION_SETTINGS is used.
 78        ```python
 79        population_settings = {'size': 64, 'tournament':4}
 80        ```
 81        - 'size' : (int) Number of individuals in the population.
 82        - 'tournament' : (int) Tournament selection.
 84    init_const_settings : dict, default = None
 85        If not defined FuzzyRegressor.INIT_CONST_SETTINGS is used.
 86        ```python
 87        init_const_settings = {'const_min':0.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
 88        ```
 89        - 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for initializing constants.
 90        - 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for initializing constants.
 91        - 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during initialization.
 92        - 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during initialization.
 94    const_settings : dict, default = None
 95        If not defined FuzzyRegressor.CONST_SETTINGS is used.
 96        ```python
 97        const_settings = {'const_min':0.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
 98        ```
 99        - 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for constants used in equations.
100        - 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for constants used in equations.
101        - 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during search process(mutation).
102        - 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during search process(mutation).
104    target_clip : array, default = None
105        Array of two float values clip_min and clip_max.
106        If not defined SymbolicSolver.CLASSIFICATION_TARGET_CLIP is used.
107        ```python
108        target_clip=[3e-7, 1.0-3e-7]
109        ```
110    class_weight : dict or 'balanced', default=None
111        Weights associated with classes in the form ``{class_label: weight}``.
112        If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one.
114        The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust
115        weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data
116        as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))``.
118        Note that these weights will be multiplied with sample_weight (passed
119        through the fit method) if sample_weight is specified.
121    cv_params : dict, default = None
122        If not defined SymbolicSolver.CLASSIFICATION_CV_PARAMS is used.
123        ```python
124        cv_params = {'n':0, 'cv_params':{}, 'select':'mean', 'opt_params':{'method': 'Nelder-Mead'}, 'opt_metric':make_scorer(log_loss, greater_is_better=False, needs_proba=True)}
125        ```
126        - 'n' : (int) Crossvalidate n top models
127        - 'cv_params' : (dict) Parameters passed to scikit-learn cross_validate method
128        - select : (str) Best model selection method choose from 'mean'or 'median'
129        - opt_params : (dict) Parameters passed to scipy.optimize.minimize method
130        - opt_metric : (make_scorer) Scoring method
132    warm_start : bool, default=False
133        If True, then the solver will be reused for the next call of fit.
134    """
136    INIT_CONST_SETTINGS = {'const_min':0.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
137    CONST_SETTINGS = {'const_min':0.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
139    def __init__(self,
140                 num_threads: int = 1,
141                 time_limit: float = 5.0,
142                 iter_limit: int = 0,
143                 precision: str = 'f32',
144                 problem = 'fuzzy',
145                 feature_probs = 'xicor',
146                 random_state: int = 0,
147                 verbose: int = 0,
148                 metric: str = 'LogLoss',
149                 transformation: str = None,
150                 algo_settings = None,
151                 code_settings = None,
152                 population_settings = None,
153                 init_const_settings = None,
154                 const_settings = None,
155                 target_clip = None,
156                 class_weight = None,
157                 cv_params = None,
158                 warm_start : bool = False
159                 ):
160        super(FuzzyRegressor, self).__init__(
161            num_threads=num_threads,
162            time_limit=time_limit,
163            iter_limit=iter_limit,
164            precision=precision,
165            problem=problem,
166            feature_probs=feature_probs,
167            random_state=random_state,
168            verbose=verbose,
169            metric=metric,
170            algo_settings=algo_settings,
171            transformation=transformation,
172            code_settings=code_settings,
173            population_settings=population_settings,
174            init_const_settings=init_const_settings,
175            const_settings=const_settings,
176            target_clip=target_clip,
177            class_weight=class_weight,
178            cv_params=cv_params,
179            warm_start=warm_start
180        )
182    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
183        """
184        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
186        Parameters
187        ----------
188        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
189            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
190            `n_features` is the number of features. Should be in the range [0, 1].
192        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
193            Target vector relative to X. Needs samples of 2 classes.
195        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
196            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
197            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
199        check_input : bool, default=True
200            Allow to bypass several input checking.
201            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
203        Returns
204        -------
205        self
206            Fitted estimator.
207        """
208        if check_input:
209            X, y = self._validate_data(X, y, accept_sparse=False, y_numeric=False, multi_output=False)
210        check_classification_targets(y)
211        enc = LabelEncoder()
212        y_ind = enc.fit_transform(y)
213        self.classes_ = enc.classes_
214        self.n_classes_ = len(self.classes_)
215        if self.n_classes_ != 2:
216            raise ValueError(
217                "This solver needs samples of 2 classes"
218                " in the data, but the data contains"
219                " %r classes"
220                % self.n_classes_
221            )
223        self.class_weight_ = compute_class_weight(self.class_weight, classes=self.classes_, y=y)
225        super(FuzzyRegressor, self).fit(X, y_ind, sample_weight=sample_weight, check_input=check_input)
226        return self
228    def predict(self, X, id=None, check_input=True, use_parsed_model=True):
229        """
230        Predict class for X.
232        Parameters
233        ----------
234        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
235            The input samples.
237        id : int
238            Model id, default=None. id can be obtained from get_models method. If its None prediction use the best model.
240        check_input : bool, default=True
241            Allow to bypass several input checking.
242            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
244        Returns
245        -------
246        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
247            The predicted classes.
248        """
249        preds = super(FuzzyRegressor, self).predict(X, id, check_input=check_input, use_parsed_model=use_parsed_model)
250        return self.classes_[(preds > 0.5).astype(int)]
252    def predict_proba(self, X, id=None, check_input=True):
253        """
254        Predict class probabilities for X.
256        Parameters
257        ----------
258        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
260        check_input : bool, default=True
261            Allow to bypass several input checking.
262            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
264        Returns
265        -------
266        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
267            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
268            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
269        """
270        preds = super(FuzzyRegressor, self).predict(X, id, check_input=check_input)
271        proba = numpy.vstack([1 - preds, preds]).T
272        return proba
274    def _more_tags(self):
275        return {
276            'binary_only': True,
277            'poor_score':True, # tests from check_estimator dont have fuzzy number type
278            }

Fuzzy Regressor

  • num_threads (int, default=1): Number of used threads.
  • time_limit (float, default=5.0): Timeout in seconds. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until iter_limit is met.
  • iter_limit (int, default=0): Iterations limit. If is set to 0 there is no limit and the algorithm runs until time_limit is met.
  • precision (str, default='f32'): 'f64' or 'f32'. Internal floating number representation.
  • problem (str or dict, default='fuzzy'): Predefined instructions sets 'fuzzy' or custom defines set of instructions with mutation probability.

    problem={'f_and':10.0, 'f_or':10.0, 'f_xor':1.0, 'f_not':1.0, 'nop':1.0}
    supported instructions
    other nop
    fuzzy f_and, f_or, f_xor, f_impl, f_not, f_nand, f_nor, f_nxor, f_nimpl
  • feature_probs (str or array of shape (n_features,), default='xicor'): The probability that a mutation will select a feature. If None then the features are selected with equal probability. If 'xicor' then the probabilities are deriveded from xicor corelation coefficient
  • random_state (int, default=0): Random generator seed. If 0 then random generator will be initialized by system time.
  • verbose (int, default=0): Controls the verbosity when fitting and predicting.
  • metric (str, default='LogLoss'): Metric used for evaluating error. Choose from {'MSE', 'MAE', 'MSLE', 'LogLoss'}
  • transformation (str, default=None): Final transformation for computed value. Choose from { None, 'LOGISTIC', 'ORDINAL'}
  • algo_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.ALGO_SETTINGS is used.

    algo_settings = {'neighbours_count':15, 'alpha':0.15, 'beta':0.5, 'pretest_size':1, 'sample_size':16}
    • 'neighbours_count' : (int) Number tested neighbours in each iteration
    • 'alpha' : (float) Score worsening limit for a iteration
    • 'beta' : (float) Tree breadth-wise expanding factor in a range from 0 to 1
    • 'pretest_size' : (int) Batch count(batch is 64 rows sample) for fast fitness preevaluating
    • 'sample_size : (int) Number of batches of sample used to calculate the score during training
  • code_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.CODE_SETTINGS is used.

    code_settings = {'min_size': 32, 'max_size':32, 'const_size':8}
    • 'const_size' : (int) Maximum alloved constants in symbolic model, accept also 0.
    • 'min_size': (int) Minimum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
    • 'max_size' : (int) Maximum allowed equation size(as a linear program).
  • population_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.POPULATION_SETTINGS is used.

    population_settings = {'size': 64, 'tournament':4}
    • 'size' : (int) Number of individuals in the population.
    • 'tournament' : (int) Tournament selection.
  • init_const_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined FuzzyRegressor.INIT_CONST_SETTINGS is used.

    init_const_settings = {'const_min':0.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
    • 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for initializing constants.
    • 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for initializing constants.
    • 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during initialization.
    • 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during initialization.
  • const_settings (dict, default = None): If not defined FuzzyRegressor.CONST_SETTINGS is used.

    const_settings = {'const_min':0.0, 'const_max':1.0, 'predefined_const_prob':0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
    • 'const_min' : (float) Lower range for constants used in equations.
    • 'const_max' : (float) Upper range for constants used in equations.
    • 'predefined_const_prob': (float) Probability of selecting one of the predefined constants during search process(mutation).
    • 'predefined_const_set' : (array of floats) Predefined constants used during search process(mutation).
  • target_clip (array, default = None): Array of two float values clip_min and clip_max. If not defined SymbolicSolver.CLASSIFICATION_TARGET_CLIP is used.

    target_clip=[3e-7, 1.0-3e-7]
  • class_weight (dict or 'balanced', default=None): Weights associated with classes in the form {class_label: weight}. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one.

    The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y)).

    Note that these weights will be multiplied with sample_weight (passed through the fit method) if sample_weight is specified.

  • cv_params (dict, default = None): If not defined SymbolicSolver.CLASSIFICATION_CV_PARAMS is used.

    cv_params = {'n':0, 'cv_params':{}, 'select':'mean', 'opt_params':{'method': 'Nelder-Mead'}, 'opt_metric':make_scorer(log_loss, greater_is_better=False, needs_proba=True)}
    • 'n' : (int) Crossvalidate n top models
    • 'cv_params' : (dict) Parameters passed to scikit-learn cross_validate method
    • select : (str) Best model selection method choose from 'mean'or 'median'
    • opt_params : (dict) Parameters passed to scipy.optimize.minimize method
    • opt_metric : (make_scorer) Scoring method
  • warm_start (bool, default=False): If True, then the solver will be reused for the next call of fit.
FuzzyRegressor( num_threads: int = 1, time_limit: float = 5.0, iter_limit: int = 0, precision: str = 'f32', problem='fuzzy', feature_probs='xicor', random_state: int = 0, verbose: int = 0, metric: str = 'LogLoss', transformation: str = None, algo_settings=None, code_settings=None, population_settings=None, init_const_settings=None, const_settings=None, target_clip=None, class_weight=None, cv_params=None, warm_start: bool = False)
139    def __init__(self,
140                 num_threads: int = 1,
141                 time_limit: float = 5.0,
142                 iter_limit: int = 0,
143                 precision: str = 'f32',
144                 problem = 'fuzzy',
145                 feature_probs = 'xicor',
146                 random_state: int = 0,
147                 verbose: int = 0,
148                 metric: str = 'LogLoss',
149                 transformation: str = None,
150                 algo_settings = None,
151                 code_settings = None,
152                 population_settings = None,
153                 init_const_settings = None,
154                 const_settings = None,
155                 target_clip = None,
156                 class_weight = None,
157                 cv_params = None,
158                 warm_start : bool = False
159                 ):
160        super(FuzzyRegressor, self).__init__(
161            num_threads=num_threads,
162            time_limit=time_limit,
163            iter_limit=iter_limit,
164            precision=precision,
165            problem=problem,
166            feature_probs=feature_probs,
167            random_state=random_state,
168            verbose=verbose,
169            metric=metric,
170            algo_settings=algo_settings,
171            transformation=transformation,
172            code_settings=code_settings,
173            population_settings=population_settings,
174            init_const_settings=init_const_settings,
175            const_settings=const_settings,
176            target_clip=target_clip,
177            class_weight=class_weight,
178            cv_params=cv_params,
179            warm_start=warm_start
180        )
INIT_CONST_SETTINGS = {'const_min': 0.0, 'const_max': 1.0, 'predefined_const_prob': 0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
CONST_SETTINGS = {'const_min': 0.0, 'const_max': 1.0, 'predefined_const_prob': 0.0, 'predefined_const_set': []}
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
182    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
183        """
184        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
186        Parameters
187        ----------
188        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
189            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
190            `n_features` is the number of features. Should be in the range [0, 1].
192        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
193            Target vector relative to X. Needs samples of 2 classes.
195        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
196            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
197            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
199        check_input : bool, default=True
200            Allow to bypass several input checking.
201            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
203        Returns
204        -------
205        self
206            Fitted estimator.
207        """
208        if check_input:
209            X, y = self._validate_data(X, y, accept_sparse=False, y_numeric=False, multi_output=False)
210        check_classification_targets(y)
211        enc = LabelEncoder()
212        y_ind = enc.fit_transform(y)
213        self.classes_ = enc.classes_
214        self.n_classes_ = len(self.classes_)
215        if self.n_classes_ != 2:
216            raise ValueError(
217                "This solver needs samples of 2 classes"
218                " in the data, but the data contains"
219                " %r classes"
220                % self.n_classes_
221            )
223        self.class_weight_ = compute_class_weight(self.class_weight, classes=self.classes_, y=y)
225        super(FuzzyRegressor, self).fit(X, y_ind, sample_weight=sample_weight, check_input=check_input)
226        return self

Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. Should be in the range [0, 1].
  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,)): Target vector relative to X. Needs samples of 2 classes.
  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None): Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples. If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • self: Fitted estimator.
def predict(self, X, id=None, check_input=True, use_parsed_model=True):
228    def predict(self, X, id=None, check_input=True, use_parsed_model=True):
229        """
230        Predict class for X.
232        Parameters
233        ----------
234        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
235            The input samples.
237        id : int
238            Model id, default=None. id can be obtained from get_models method. If its None prediction use the best model.
240        check_input : bool, default=True
241            Allow to bypass several input checking.
242            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
244        Returns
245        -------
246        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
247            The predicted classes.
248        """
249        preds = super(FuzzyRegressor, self).predict(X, id, check_input=check_input, use_parsed_model=use_parsed_model)
250        return self.classes_[(preds > 0.5).astype(int)]

Predict class for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): The input samples.
  • id (int): Model id, default=None. id can be obtained from get_models method. If its None prediction use the best model.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • y (ndarray of shape (n_samples,)): The predicted classes.
def predict_proba(self, X, id=None, check_input=True):
252    def predict_proba(self, X, id=None, check_input=True):
253        """
254        Predict class probabilities for X.
256        Parameters
257        ----------
258        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
260        check_input : bool, default=True
261            Allow to bypass several input checking.
262            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
264        Returns
265        -------
266        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
267            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
268            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
269        """
270        preds = super(FuzzyRegressor, self).predict(X, id, check_input=check_input)
271        proba = numpy.vstack([1 - preds, preds]).T
272        return proba

Predict class probabilities for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)):

  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.

  • T (ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)): The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:classes_.
def set_fit_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_predict_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_predict_proba_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_score_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

Inherited Members
class FuzzyClassifier(sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier):
281class FuzzyClassifier(OneVsRestClassifier):
282    """
283    Fuzzy multiclass symbolic classificator
285    Parameters
286    ----------
287    estimator : FuzzyRegressor
288        Instance of FuzzyRegressor class.
289    """
290    def __init__(self, estimator=FuzzyRegressor()):
291        super().__init__(estimator=estimator)
293    def fit(self, X, y):
294        """
295        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
297        Parameters
298        ----------
299        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
300            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
301            `n_features` is the number of features. Should be in the range [0, 1].
303        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
304            Target vector relative to X.
306        Returns
307        -------
308        self
309            Fitted estimator.
310        """
312        super().fit(X, y)
313        return self
315    def predict(self, X):
316        """
317        Predict class for X.
319        Parameters
320        ----------
321        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
322            The input samples.
324        Returns
325        -------
326        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
327            The predicted classes.
328        """
329        return super().predict(X)
331    def predict_proba(self, X):
332        """
333        Predict class probabilities for X.
335        Parameters
336        ----------
337        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
339        Returns
340        -------
341        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
342            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
343            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
344        """
345        return super().predict_proba(X)
347    def _more_tags(self):
348        return {
349            'poor_score':True, # tests from check_estimator dont have fuzzy number type
350            }

Fuzzy multiclass symbolic classificator

  • estimator (FuzzyRegressor): Instance of FuzzyRegressor class.
290    def __init__(self, estimator=FuzzyRegressor()):
291        super().__init__(estimator=estimator)
def fit(self, X, y):
293    def fit(self, X, y):
294        """
295        Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data. 
297        Parameters
298        ----------
299        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
300            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
301            `n_features` is the number of features. Should be in the range [0, 1].
303        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
304            Target vector relative to X.
306        Returns
307        -------
308        self
309            Fitted estimator.
310        """
312        super().fit(X, y)
313        return self

Fit the symbolic models according to the given training data.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. Should be in the range [0, 1].
  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,)): Target vector relative to X.
  • self: Fitted estimator.
def predict(self, X):
315    def predict(self, X):
316        """
317        Predict class for X.
319        Parameters
320        ----------
321        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
322            The input samples.
324        Returns
325        -------
326        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
327            The predicted classes.
328        """
329        return super().predict(X)

Predict class for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): The input samples.
  • y (ndarray of shape (n_samples,)): The predicted classes.
def predict_proba(self, X):
331    def predict_proba(self, X):
332        """
333        Predict class probabilities for X.
335        Parameters
336        ----------
337        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
339        Returns
340        -------
341        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
342            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
343            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
344        """
345        return super().predict_proba(X)

Predict class probabilities for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)):
  • T (ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)): The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:classes_.
def set_partial_fit_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_score_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

Inherited Members
class RegressorMathModel(HROCH.hroch.MathModelBase, sklearn.base.RegressorMixin):
178class RegressorMathModel(MathModelBase, RegressorMixin):
179    """
180    A regressor class for the symbolic model.
181    """
182    def __init__(self, m: ParsedMathModel, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip) -> None:
183        super().__init__(m, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip, None, None)
185    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
186        """
187        Fit the model according to the given training data. 
189        That means find a optimal values for constants in a symbolic equation.
191        Parameters
192        ----------
193        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
194            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
195            `n_features` is the number of features.
197        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
198            Target vector relative to X.
200        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
201            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
202            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
204        check_input : bool, default=True
205            Allow to bypass several input checking.
206            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
208        Returns
209        -------
210        self
211            Fitted estimator.
212        """
214        def objective(c):
215            return self.__eval(X, y, metric=self.opt_metric, c=c, sample_weight=sample_weight)
217        if len(self.m.coeffs) > 0:
218            result = opt.minimize(objective, self.m.coeffs, **self.opt_params)
220            for i in range(len(self.m.coeffs)):
221                self.m.coeffs[i] = result.x[i]
223        self.is_fitted_ = True
224        return self
226    def predict(self, X, check_input=True):
227        """
228        Predict regression target for X.
230        Parameters
231        ----------
232        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
233            The input samples.
235        check_input : bool, default=True
236            Allow to bypass several input checking.
237            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
239        Returns
240        -------
241        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)
242            The predicted values.
243        """
244        return self._predict(X)
246    def __eval(self, X, y, metric, c=None, sample_weight=None):
247        if c is not None:
248            self.m.coeffs = c
249        try:
250            return -metric(self, X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
251        except:
252            return SymbolicSolver.LARGE_FLOAT
254    def __str__(self):
255        return f"RegressorMathModel({self.m.str_representation})"
257    def __repr__(self):
258        return f"RegressorMathModel({self.m.str_representation})"

A regressor class for the symbolic model.

RegressorMathModel( m: HROCH.hroch.ParsedMathModel, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip)
182    def __init__(self, m: ParsedMathModel, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip) -> None:
183        super().__init__(m, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip, None, None)
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
185    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
186        """
187        Fit the model according to the given training data. 
189        That means find a optimal values for constants in a symbolic equation.
191        Parameters
192        ----------
193        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
194            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
195            `n_features` is the number of features.
197        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
198            Target vector relative to X.
200        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
201            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
202            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
204        check_input : bool, default=True
205            Allow to bypass several input checking.
206            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
208        Returns
209        -------
210        self
211            Fitted estimator.
212        """
214        def objective(c):
215            return self.__eval(X, y, metric=self.opt_metric, c=c, sample_weight=sample_weight)
217        if len(self.m.coeffs) > 0:
218            result = opt.minimize(objective, self.m.coeffs, **self.opt_params)
220            for i in range(len(self.m.coeffs)):
221                self.m.coeffs[i] = result.x[i]
223        self.is_fitted_ = True
224        return self

Fit the model according to the given training data.

That means find a optimal values for constants in a symbolic equation.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,)): Target vector relative to X.
  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None): Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples. If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • self: Fitted estimator.
def predict(self, X, check_input=True):
226    def predict(self, X, check_input=True):
227        """
228        Predict regression target for X.
230        Parameters
231        ----------
232        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
233            The input samples.
235        check_input : bool, default=True
236            Allow to bypass several input checking.
237            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
239        Returns
240        -------
241        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)
242            The predicted values.
243        """
244        return self._predict(X)

Predict regression target for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): The input samples.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • y (ndarray of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs)): The predicted values.
def set_fit_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_predict_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_score_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

Inherited Members
class ClassifierMathModel(HROCH.hroch.MathModelBase, sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin):
261class ClassifierMathModel(MathModelBase, ClassifierMixin):
262    """
263    A classifier class for the symbolic model.
264    """
265    def __init__(self, m: ParsedMathModel, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip, class_weight_, classes_) -> None:
266        super().__init__(m, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip, class_weight_, classes_)
268    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
269        """
270        Fit the model according to the given training data. 
272        That means find a optimal values for constants in a symbolic equation.
274        Parameters
275        ----------
276        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
277            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
278            `n_features` is the number of features.
280        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
281            Target vector relative to X. Needs samples of 2 classes.
283        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
284            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
285            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
287        check_input : bool, default=True
288            Allow to bypass several input checking.
289            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
291        Returns
292        -------
293        self
294            Fitted estimator.
295        """
297        check_classification_targets(y)
298        enc = LabelEncoder()
299        y_ind = enc.fit_transform(y)
300        self.classes_ = enc.classes_
301        self.n_classes_ = len(self.classes_)
302        if self.n_classes_ != 2:
303            raise ValueError(
304                "This solver needs samples of 2 classes"
305                " in the data, but the data contains"
306                " %r classes"
307                % self.n_classes_
308            )
310        cw = self.class_weight_
311        cw_sample_weight = numpy.array(cw)[y_ind] if len(cw) == 2 and cw[0] != cw[1] else None
312        if sample_weight is None:
313            sample_weight = cw_sample_weight
314        elif cw_sample_weight is not None:
315            sample_weight = sample_weight*cw_sample_weight
317        def objective(c):
318            return self.__eval(X, y, metric=self.opt_metric, c=c, sample_weight=sample_weight)
320        if len(self.m.coeffs) > 0:
321            result = opt.minimize(objective, self.m.coeffs,
322                                  **self.opt_params)
324            for i in range(len(self.m.coeffs)):
325                self.m.coeffs[i] = result.x[i]
327        self.is_fitted_ = True
328        return self
330    def predict(self, X, check_input=True):
331        """
332        Predict class for X.
334        Parameters
335        ----------
336        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
337            The input samples.
339        check_input : bool, default=True
340            Allow to bypass several input checking.
341            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
343        Returns
344        -------
345        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
346            The predicted classes.
347        """
348        preds = self._predict(X, check_input=check_input)
349        return self.classes_[(preds > 0.5).astype(int)]
351    def predict_proba(self, X, check_input=True):
352        """
353        Predict class probabilities for X.
355        Parameters
356        ----------
357        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
359        check_input : bool, default=True
360            Allow to bypass several input checking.
361            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
363        Returns
364        -------
365        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
366            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
367            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
368        """
369        preds = self._predict(X, check_input=check_input)
370        proba = numpy.vstack([1 - preds, preds]).T
371        return proba
373    def __eval(self, X, y, metric, c=None, sample_weight=None):
374        if c is not None:
375            self.m.coeffs = c
376        try:
377            return -metric(self, X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
378        except:
379            return SymbolicSolver.LARGE_FLOAT
381    def __str__(self):
382        return f"ClassifierMathModel({self.m.str_representation})"
384    def __repr__(self):
385        return f"ClassifierMathModel({self.m.str_representation})"

A classifier class for the symbolic model.

ClassifierMathModel( m: HROCH.hroch.ParsedMathModel, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip, class_weight_, classes_)
265    def __init__(self, m: ParsedMathModel, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip, class_weight_, classes_) -> None:
266        super().__init__(m, opt_metric, opt_params, transformation, target_clip, class_weight_, classes_)
def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
268    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, check_input=True):
269        """
270        Fit the model according to the given training data. 
272        That means find a optimal values for constants in a symbolic equation.
274        Parameters
275        ----------
276        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
277            Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
278            `n_features` is the number of features.
280        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
281            Target vector relative to X. Needs samples of 2 classes.
283        sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None
284            Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
285            If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
287        check_input : bool, default=True
288            Allow to bypass several input checking.
289            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
291        Returns
292        -------
293        self
294            Fitted estimator.
295        """
297        check_classification_targets(y)
298        enc = LabelEncoder()
299        y_ind = enc.fit_transform(y)
300        self.classes_ = enc.classes_
301        self.n_classes_ = len(self.classes_)
302        if self.n_classes_ != 2:
303            raise ValueError(
304                "This solver needs samples of 2 classes"
305                " in the data, but the data contains"
306                " %r classes"
307                % self.n_classes_
308            )
310        cw = self.class_weight_
311        cw_sample_weight = numpy.array(cw)[y_ind] if len(cw) == 2 and cw[0] != cw[1] else None
312        if sample_weight is None:
313            sample_weight = cw_sample_weight
314        elif cw_sample_weight is not None:
315            sample_weight = sample_weight*cw_sample_weight
317        def objective(c):
318            return self.__eval(X, y, metric=self.opt_metric, c=c, sample_weight=sample_weight)
320        if len(self.m.coeffs) > 0:
321            result = opt.minimize(objective, self.m.coeffs,
322                                  **self.opt_params)
324            for i in range(len(self.m.coeffs)):
325                self.m.coeffs[i] = result.x[i]
327        self.is_fitted_ = True
328        return self

Fit the model according to the given training data.

That means find a optimal values for constants in a symbolic equation.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
  • y (array-like of shape (n_samples,)): Target vector relative to X. Needs samples of 2 classes.
  • sample_weight (array-like of shape (n_samples,) default=None): Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples. If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • self: Fitted estimator.
def predict(self, X, check_input=True):
330    def predict(self, X, check_input=True):
331        """
332        Predict class for X.
334        Parameters
335        ----------
336        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
337            The input samples.
339        check_input : bool, default=True
340            Allow to bypass several input checking.
341            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
343        Returns
344        -------
345        y : ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
346            The predicted classes.
347        """
348        preds = self._predict(X, check_input=check_input)
349        return self.classes_[(preds > 0.5).astype(int)]

Predict class for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)): The input samples.
  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
  • y (ndarray of shape (n_samples,)): The predicted classes.
def predict_proba(self, X, check_input=True):
351    def predict_proba(self, X, check_input=True):
352        """
353        Predict class probabilities for X.
355        Parameters
356        ----------
357        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
359        check_input : bool, default=True
360            Allow to bypass several input checking.
361            Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.
363        Returns
364        -------
365        T : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)
366            The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the
367            classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:`classes_`.
368        """
369        preds = self._predict(X, check_input=check_input)
370        proba = numpy.vstack([1 - preds, preds]).T
371        return proba

Predict class probabilities for X.

  • X (array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)):

  • check_input (bool, default=True): Allow to bypass several input checking. Don't use this parameter unless you know what you're doing.

  • T (ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes)): The class probabilities of the input samples. The order of the classes corresponds to that in the attribute :term:classes_.
def set_fit_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_predict_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_predict_proba_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

def set_score_request(unknown):

A descriptor for request methods.

New in version 1.3.

  • name (str): The name of the method for which the request function should be created, e.g. "fit" would create a set_fit_request function.
  • keys (list of str): A list of strings which are accepted parameters by the created function, e.g. ["sample_weight"] if the corresponding method accepts it as a metadata.
  • validate_keys (bool, default=True): Whether to check if the requested parameters fit the actual parameters of the method.

This class is a descriptor 1 and uses PEP-362 to set the signature of the returned function 2.

Inherited Members
def Xicor(X: numpy.ndarray, Y: numpy.ndarray):
445def Xicor(X : numpy.ndarray, Y:numpy.ndarray):
446    """
447    Xicor corelation coefficient.
449    This function computes the xi coefficient between two vectors x and y.
452    Parameters
453    ----------
454    X : array-like input vector x
456    Y : array-like input vector y
458    Returns
459    -------
460    xi : float
461    """
462    if X.ndim != 1:
463        X = numpy.ravel(X)
464    if Y.ndim != 1:
465        Y = numpy.ravel(Y)
466    if len(X) != len(Y):
467        raise ValueError("X and Y must be same size")
468    precision = numpy.float32
469    if X.dtype == Y.dtype and X.dtype == numpy.float64:
470        precision = numpy.float64
471    if not X.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] or X.dtype != precision:
472        X = numpy.ascontiguousarray(X.astype(precision))
473    if not Y.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] or Y.dtype != precision:
474        Y = numpy.ascontiguousarray(Y.astype(precision))
475    if precision == numpy.float32:
476        return Xicor32(X, Y, len(X))
477    return Xicor64(X, Y, len(X))

Xicor corelation coefficient.

This function computes the xi coefficient between two vectors x and y.

  • X (array-like input vector x):

  • Y (array-like input vector y):

  • xi (float):
__version__ = '1.4.12'